Monday, February 18, 2008

Word Power made easy...................
"To vegetate": .......

Perhaps you wake up some gloomy monday morning (why is it that monday is the worst day of the week?) and beginto think of the waste of the last years. Intellectualy, there has been no progress - you've read scarcely half a dozen books, haven't made one new, exciting friend, havn't had a startling or unusual thought. Economically, things are no better same old money in the bank, same old job, same old 9-5 workdays, the burgers, the sandwich, the junk as lunch, the same drear travel home that is also if you at your own. What a life! No change, nothign but routine, sameness, monotony -and ....for what?
(By now you you'd better get up - this type of thinking never leads anywhere, as you've long since learnt)

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